Pastor's Pen January 8, 2011
The Light in the Fog
A group of believers of similar persuasion are all together traveling in a large airplane. They know where they want to go and their pilot sets the onboard computer system to guide their flight. During their flight they enter into a dense fog. No one is alarmed for the onboard computer system will guide them to their desired destination. Suddenly a brilliant light appears in the midst of the dense fog. Amazingly, as the plane cuts through the fog at 600 miles per hour the light remains in front of the plane. The believers recognize this to be divine leadership. Obviously God is reassuring them they’ll get through the fog to their desired destination.
But then something quite unexpected happens. The light begins to move as if to redirect their flight. But to veer off the set course in the midst of such a dense fog would be very risky. They choose to follow the light. Their choice means they can no longer trust the on board computer system for their journey. Now their destination will be determined by the light.
They feel good about their decision to follow the light and believe that very soon it will lead them out of the fog. But instead, while the dense fog remains the light leads them to begin descending. Their resolve to follow the light is tested. By faith they choose to follow the light. As they get closer to the ground the light burns through the fog revealing a smooth runway. They land the plane without incident and follow the light till it comes to a stop. The fog is still very dense. They exit the plane wondering what all this means when suddenly a strong wind comes and blows the fog away. As the fog disappears they are amazed to see that several other planes have landed at the same place. Each plane is full of a group of believers of a different persuasion. Their amazement intensifies when they see that each plane had come to a stop from different directions and ended up in a circle with the nose of each plane pointing inward. When they inquire how each of these planes had landed and ended up in the same place each testified they had been led through the fog by a brilliant light.
"When the day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.” Acts 2:1
“When He, the Spirit of truth has come, He will guide you into all truth.” John 16:13
Pastor Dan