Abortion’s Irony “Their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed innocent blood.” Isaiah 59:7
Yesterday’s newspaper carried a report of an abortion doctor who was arrested on nine counts of murder. He is accused of severing the spinal cord of nine babies with a pair of scissors after they had been born. All the babies were in the third trimester of development and in legal terms considered “viable”, which means they could live outside the womb of the mother. While I agree he should be arrested for murdering these tiny human beings I find it ironic that if he had killed them prior to them making it out of the birth canal he would have done nothing illegal. This is not a new argument but one that needs to be given again. Why is it legal to dismember a baby still in the womb of the mother and suction out its body parts and illegal to do the same thing outside the womb? How is it legal to end the life of a pre-born baby who a few minutes later could be living on its own outside the womb of its mother? The irony of abortion.
This Sunday many churches will observe the Sanctity of Human Life and commemorate the infamous Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision of 1973. Since then abortion has ended the lives of more than 1.2 million unborn children in America every year. The staggering total of nearly 50 million babies’ lives ending via abortion since then is numbing. Abortion continues to be a blight on the social conscience of America.
I still find it hard to believe we do such things in America. And it brings me shame as an American to know that my country is one of the major proponents and supporters of abortion rights around the world. We all admit that unwanted pregnancies are a problem in our country but why in the name of all that is right have we resorted to death as a solution to our social ills? The toll this has taken on the nation’s conscience is incalculable. The nation that has legalized the killing of the unborn has opened Pandora’s box to a calloused attitude toward life in general. Violence to pre-born children is connected to violence and abuse of born children. The connection is unmistakably clear.
There is some hope on the horizon. 19% of the general public believes that abortion should be illegal in all circumstances and among young people (ages 18-29) 23% felt this way, more than any other age group. May their tribe increase!
As we continue to pray and teach the truths of God’s word we can believe that change can happen—one person at a time. Abortion on demand is one of the strongest evidences of how far our culture has slipped into the abyss of amorality and spiritual darkness and how desperately we need a spiritual revival. So as we remember the infamous 1973 Supreme Court ruling that legalized what God calls sin let us renew our determination to be the salt and the light of this world as Jesus said we are to be. Let us reach out with courage and compassion to all the victims of abortion, including the women who have them. Yes, even this our God will forgive in His mercy that is found in the cross of His Son.
Pastor Dan