Pastor's Pen February 4, 2010
The Vastness of God When Solomon set out to build the temple...a house for God...he was wise enough to realize that the God of heaven could not dwell within the walls of any structure. The temple was a place God chose to manifest Himself to His people not a place that would encompass His person. In Isaiah 57:15 the prophet identifies God as “the High and Lofty One who inhabits eternity.” What a beautiful description of God! He is so vast He inhabits eternity. Sue and I visited the Grand Canyon a couple of years ago. As I stood at the rim for the first time and saw the vastness of it all I was filled with a sense of awe. This pales in comparison to the awesomeness God. To see the glory of God is to stand at the rim of God’s vastness! It is looking into the other world and seeing the One who inhabits eternity! When Isaiah saw the glory of God he felt "undone". The word undone means to cause to cease, to be cut off, destroyed. Seeing the essence of God tore Isaiah up! You see, when we in our humanity encounter the vastness and greatness of God we feel our inadequacy...our smallness...causing us to take inventory of ourselves and worship God with deep respect.
In many respects the church has lost its sense of awe before God. We desperately need to see God in His Glory and vastness again. We need the fear of God to return to His church!
May all of us press in closer to the Lord and see Him as He is. May we all have our breath taken away by the glory and vastness of Almighty God. May our hearts be filled with awe at the sight of His holiness! May we all be reminder of just how big He is and how small we are...only to return to Isaiah 57:15 and see that this vast God who inhabits eternity says, "I dwell in the high and holy place, with him who has a contrite and humble spirit!" How amazing is that ?
Admiring Him...
Pastor Dan