God Wants to Credit Your Account
God uses terms in the Bible we can identify with to communicate fantastic truth to us. For example, when He set out to communicate what He gives us that enables us to be with Him forever He used a banking term we all understand—credited. It’s like the deposits that appear on our monthly bank statement as a “credit”. I sometimes ask people, “What would you be if I deposited $1,000,000 in your bank account other than deliriously happy? “I’d be a millionaire,” they say. Exactly.
Well, God has deposited something infinitely more valuable in our lives that makes us rich for eternity. He spoke of it in regards to Abram in Genesis 15:6. Abram believed the LORD, and he credited it to him as righteousness.
Did you see it? God credited to Abram righteousness. At first glance you may think this to be unimportant. But here’s the deal. The only way you can get to heaven and live with God forever is to be totally righteous and without sin. I know, many people think they get in by doing the best they can (which no o ne does) or by being a good person. There was a rich young man in the Bible who thought he was good but Jesus said to him, “There is no one good but God” (Luke 18:19). And Romans 3:10 tells us, “There is none righteous, no, not one.”
So if God credited Abraham with righteousness that means He gave to Abram all he needed to have eternal life and be with God forever!
The Lord wants to credit your account with that same righteousness!
Now, don’t be believing that you can somehow go out and earn such righteousness because you can’t. I know no one wants to hear it but it’s true—we’re not righteous we are sinners!
Did you ever notice how seldom you hear the word sin in the media. “Sin—our topic on the next Rickie Lake!” Not going to happen.
That’s why the message about Jesus Christ is so good! It’s God’s way of getting rid of our sin and giving us His righteousness. “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” 2 Corinthians 5:21. On the cross God charged all our sin to Jesus and He credited us with His righteousness. That means Jesus took the blame for all our wrong and we get credit for all He did right. It’s called grace!
How do we become the recipient of this divine transaction? What do we do to get credited with righteousness? The same thing Abram did. He believed the Lord. The Lord promised to give him a son and through that son would come One who would bless all the families of the earth—Messiah Jesus. And Abram believed that promise. He believed that a Savior would come. We believe that a Savior has come. And when we believe God’s promise and trust in His Son who died on the cross for our sin God credits us with all the righteousness we need to be accepted into heaven to live with Him forever.
Those who are spiritual paupers can be filthy rich before God.
God wants to credit your account with righteousness. He wants to make you a spiritualmillionaire!
Believe Him for it right now.
Pastor Dan