What Condition is Your Condition In?
Remember the 1968 song by The First Edition that says, “I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in”? It was a strange psychedelic rock song. But you know, there’s truth in it for us.
We all have a condition. The Bible refers to as a spirit. It is our disposition; our outlook on life; our state of mind. It can be negative as in “a spirit of fear” mentioned in 2 Timothy 1:7. Or it can be positive as when God described Caleb as having, “a different spirit in him” from the others who were negative and unbelieving. Caleb fully followed the Lord. He had a positive and faith-filled disposition.
I’ve been praying lately for God to make me a pleasant, joy-filled, grateful man. I recognized a critical spirit in me that was rooted in my own discontent and I wanted God to change me. I am not there yet but I’m glad to be on a journey. I know I need to do more than pray...I need to immerse myself in God’s word and consciously depend on the Holy Spirit. Only He can transform me and give me a “new and improved” state of mind.
The spirit we naturally operate in comes from our own sin nature as well as our life experiences, our family background and cultural influences. All of us have a human condition that needs transformed. Many of our long standing sin issues are connected to the spirit in which we operate. We need to recognize the spirit which is behind our sinful tendencies influencing everything we do. Then, take up God’s word, pray earnestly for God’s help and depend on the power of the Holy Spirit to transform the spirit in which we operate. The result will be more glory for God.
“Holy Spirit of God show us the glorious possibilities before us as sons and daughters of God! Show us any spirit operating in us that produces behaviors that grieve You. May the spirit of love which our Lord Jesus operated in that made Him willing to go to the cross and suffer for the benefit of those who were rejecting Him become operative in us! Oh blessed Savior, empower us by Your Spirit to be like You.” Amen.