Pastor's Pen March 7, 2010
The Rule of God “I have set My King on My holy hill of Zion.” Psalm 2:6
God is grieved with the Church. His heart is broken over the sin that afflicts the lives of His people. While there are many reasons we could put forth as the cause of our spiritual dilemma, a core issue that confronts the church is the rule of God. I believe it could be rightly said that the essence of sin is to live our lives independently of God. Sinners are rebels and mankind does not want God to rule over them. They may want Him to bail them out of trouble or give them the “stuff” they desire but they don’t want His rule. When we rule our own lives we live under the rule of sin that is in us. In order to redeem us from sin God has to re-establish His rule over us. He did this through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. In Psalm 2:6 we read, “I have set My King on My holy hill of Zion.” The Lord Jesus Christ is God’s King. When we bow the knee to Christ He sets us free from the “self-rule” that has produced the mess we are in. Those of us who have come to salvation through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ know the truth that Jesus is King. Even a casual observation of the spiritual landscape shows clearly that the church is not living under the rule of God. It seems we have opted to go back to self-rule and declare our independence of God. We want Christ as our savior but we do not want Him as King—our decisions and behavior proves this. The great need of the hour is for the church to get back under the rule of God and His aithority. It is this decision and this alone that will liberate us from thia addictions and wake us from our spiritual stupor. Why would we as the people of God want to bow the knee to sin, to the world, to self? Why would we want to return to a life of bondage? God’s word to the church is “Bow the knee to My Son...again!” Our only way out of the spiritual dilemma we find ourselves in is to stop bowing down to our idols and once again bow the knee to King Jesus. Sin is a harsh task-master. Self-rule is the worst kind of tyranny. Jesus rules in love and gives true freedom. Each one of us must choose our master. But thanks be to God that, though you used to be slaves to sin, you wholeheartedly obeyed the form of teaching to which you were entrusted. You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness. Romans 6:17-18 NIV Join bowing the knee before our King!
Pastor Dan