Pastor's Pen March 12, 2010
A Great Movement Toward Christ “Let us go at once...and seek the Lord Almighty...and many peoples...will come” Zechariah 8:21-22
Our devotional reading this morning from Seek God For the City spoke powerfully to our group meeting for prayer. “We have heard of great movements to Christ in far-off lands. Chain reactions of faith are drawing many thousands every day. First a family, then a clan and then many throughout entire peoples suddenly surge toward Christ. Yet we have been content with a few visitors in our church buildings. Our hearts know better. Your hopes are greater. You have promised that great movements will rise and follow You. Let our community be among those that will stimulate great movements that love and follow Christ.”
I cannot tell you how many times I have had similar thoughts. Why are we content with so little? Indeed, we do know better. We serve a great God whose heart is filled with great love for the people who so desperately need Him. We know that when God moves in revival multitudes of people will come to faith. Both the Bible and history bear this out.
The prophet Zechariah said, “Many peoples and the inhabitants of many cities will yet come.” These will tell others who will also come. As my wife recently said, “It is like a spiritual tsunami,” that overwhelms the sin in our hearts and washes in ocean waves of His love. Surely we will know that “God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit.” Our generation has not seen any force that can compare to an outpouring of the Holy Spirit...when God moves from the background to the forefront and displays His power and majesty in magnificent ways! One can imagine the impact this will have on a community or a city. When large numbers of people come to the Lord in a short period of time their new found spiritual life is woven into the fabric of the culture. All will see that the life of the community has truly been transformed from its former state. The question is can such a thing happen today? History shows that such moves of the Holy Spirit have occurred when society was at its worst. Therefore, we are “set up” for a God-sent revival that will move multitudes toward Christ. All to the praise and glory of our God! Its time for us to begin praying big prayers to a big God who said, “Open your mouth wide and I will fill it.” (Psalm 81:10) Can you see the multitudes suddenly surging toward Christ? May God give us all the spiritual vision to see the great things our God can do and pray some “big mouth prayers.”
Pastor Dan