Pastor's Pen March 21, 2010
The Mercy of Forgiveness “God have mercy on me a sinner.”
All of us have a great need for mercy because all of us are sinners. The Bible says that God loves mercy for which all of us should be extremely grateful. Where would we be without the mercy of God? The answer to this question is, “We would be under the condemnation of justice.” Indeed, if we were to get what we deserve we would all be in hell. I know that’s blunt, but it is true! The only reason we are living, breathing and hopeful of heaven is because of the mercy of God.
Someone in my office today asked me if God would forgive the devil if he asked for it. I’d never had anyone ask me that before. But the answer is no. You see, God did not provide forgiveness and salvation for the angels. The Bible doesn’t tell us why this is so but it should cause all of us to realize that God didn’t have to provide salvation for us either—but He did! “Taste and see that the Lord is good,” the Bible says. If you haven’t taken a good healthy bite of God’s grace and mercy lately why not sit down right now and feast on this loving truth. It’ll do you a world of good. As we recognize how blessed we are to be the recipients of divine mercy we are ready to offer the same to others. The Publican understood this when he beat his breast and said, “God have mercy on me a sinner.” May we understand the same.
Forgiveness is an act of pure mercy. God does not forgive us because we deserve it. Just the opposite, He knows we don’t deserve it. He shows us mercy because His Son, Jesus Christ, satisfied His justice. So, we can, and should, offer mercy to those we have determined do not deserve it and leave the justice to God! Only He knows how to right wrongs and yet extend mercy to those who have hurt us the most. Our responsibility is to forgive. Not only that, it is the smartest thing we’ll ever do because forgiveness brings us freedom and mental sanity! Who do you need to forgive? Go feast on the mercy of God in Christ and then set your heart towards the throne of grace and do what you know you should do...what you know you need to do...and forgive! Your spiritual health will revive and joy will soon follow! I’m not a doctor but I happen to know the Great Physician personally. He’s very good at healing broken hearts. Pastor Dan