Pastor's Pen April 1, 2010
Lord, Come Visit Us
We desire and are trusting God for a divine visitation-a revival. Preparing for a divine visitation involves many things one of which is our faith to invite Him. Jesus comes where He is sincerely invited. However, it is important for us to understand the repercussions of such an invitation.
About six years ago I began praying a simple and sincere prayer; "Lord, come visit us." Not long afterward I entered into a time of testing and brokenness-the darkest time of my life. The Lord took my invitation seriously.
During a recent sermon as I was discussing the idea of inviting Christ to visit us I had the spontaneous picture of Jesus moving things out of the way as He makes His way to where we are. I shared it with the congregation Two days later during the weekly Pastor's prayer meeting several were asking the Lord to come visit us. As I myself was praying the same I saw in my mind the Lord Jesus Christ with a machete in His hand cutting away the brush that stood between us. I shared it with the Pastors. Then this morning, for the third time, the Lord brought further insights to me as I was journaling. Here is my journal entry..
While praying I saw in my mind the Lord Jesus Christ with a machete in His hand. "I'm coming, but there is much brush between us." As He makes His way toward me He cuts away all the brush and overgrowth of sin in order to get to me. He has taken my invitation seriously. So I realize that my invitation for Him to come includes His intention to cut away and remove all the junk that stands between him and me.
As He clears the path things hiding in the brush scurry. Things hidden to me come to light. I am shocked! Things that are evil run at me. I am frightened! But I hear His voice saying, "I'm coming," and I take heart. I look to see His face and though it is obscured by the overgrowth I catch glimpses of Him. I can see Him raising His arm with the machete in hand, bringing it down with force as He walks toward me; clearing the path. "I'm coming," He assures me. And though His work of clearing away the brush and debris is unsettling my heart tells me it is for my good. Soon, I will see Him more clearly...if I keep looking for Him and expecting His arrival. There may be many more unsettling things that will come my way as my Savior whacks away at what stands between us but I will not retreat or turn away for the reward of seeing His face without obstruction will soon be mine.
Jesus will take your invitation seriously as well. Even though it may shock you what He will have to do to make His way to you it will be well worth it! Seeing His face without obstruction is an awesome reward! Don't be afraid. Begin to pray. "Lord, come visit us," and brace yourself for the journey of your life...a journey to life's greatest destination!
Pastor Dan