You’ve Got to Move to Get Direction
When Abraham’s servant went back to their homeland to find a bride for Abraham’s son Isaac he described God’s gracious leadership by saying, “As for me, being on the way, the Lord led me.” (Genesis 24:27) There is great wisdom in his statement for he tells us that it’s as we get up and move in obedience to the Lord that we receive His direction. A missile cannot be guided until it is launched.
Much of the reason the church is listless and lacking divine direction is due to our passivity. We need to get up and get moving. By rattling our complacency we awaken our sleepy hearts to hear the voice of the Lord. As Charles Tillman’s hymn, He Keeps Me Singing says, “All my life was wrecked by sin and strife, discord filled my heart with pain, Jesus swept across the broken strings, stirred the slumbering chords again.” (Sing it with me!) My, how we need some passion in our hearts these days. And a good starting point is to simply start moving and do something!
Certainly there are times we are to wait on the Lord. But even in this waiting we are seeking the Lord in prayer, we’re listening and we’re active in our pursuit of His heart. That’s different than the spiritual stagnation that has crept into many of our hearts. Spiritual inactivity causes our spiritual muscles to atrophy. We get weak and flabby. What a mess!
You may say, “What am I supposed to do?” Just do something...and do something good and helpful. Cook somebody a meal, cut someone’s lawn or call me and say, “Pastor, I need something to do for the Lord.” Now mind you, you’ll have to wait till I recover from my heart attack before I can get back to you with an assignment but I’ll get over it!
We often make serving the Lord way too complicated. In our adopt-a-street prayer initiative we’re challenging everyone to take on the project of loving their neighbors. How’s that for a simple thing. The only thing that can get in the way of such a simple thing is selfishness and laziness. We’re asking people like you to get to know the people who live right around you and show them love and kindness. We’re asking that you pray for them.
So, don’t just sit there—DO SOMETHING! It will do you good. Whether great or small our efforts to be usable and kind and loving will pay rich dividends. And as you get moving I believe the Holy Spirit will give you fresh ideas and direction for your life. You and I truly can make a difference in this world but it will never happen till we get up and start moving!
So, what are you waiting for?
Pastor Dan