Don’t Give Up on Your Dream
“Now Joseph had a dream…” Genesis 37:5
Joseph was a dreamer. What he saw in his dreams identified his destiny for he knew the dreams came from God. He knew he was destined to be a leader. Of what, he did not know but he was convinced that in some way or another others would bow down to him one day. His dream sounded arrogant to his brothers who hated him for it. But Joseph continued to believe in his dream.
The road to dream fulfillment would be a strange one for Joseph. He was thrown in a pit by his brothers and left to die. He was then sold into slavery. He went to prison under a false accusation. Not exactly the pathway one would imagine for a man who was to have others bow down to him as a leader. Yet, it was exactly the road God orchestrated for him. There wasn’t a minute during the journey when God was not in control. Every step of the way God was preparing Joseph to fulfill his destiny.
We get a snapshot of God’s sovereign control during this preparation process when Joseph was in prison. God gave a dream to the Butler and the Baker on the same night! He did this so Joseph could interpret them. Joseph’s interpretation came about three days later and the Butler was restored to his position as the king’s Butler . But even though he promised to remember Joseph to Pharaoh when he got out of prison the Butler forgot about Joseph. It would be 2 more years before God would give a dream to Pharaoh and call for Joseph out of prison. Yet God was in control of this too. Both the hope of being remembered and possibly getting out of prison and the disappointment of being forgotten came from the hand of God. God’s ways are past finding out!
When Pharaoh had a God given disturbing dream the Butler remembered Joseph and advised the king to call for him in prison. When Pharaoh saw the wisdom of God in Joseph’s interpretation he made him second ruler in all the land of Egypt . From this position of leadership God used Joseph to save the world during the seven years of famine! Dream fulfilled! It was 13 years in all between the time Joseph had his dream and the fulfillment of the dream. The horrible circumstances Joseph endured during those 13 years were all part of God’s plan
You and I can trust God to orchestrate the affairs of our lives to accomplish His will and purpose in us. Just as with Joseph our lives will include a good share of suffering and pain and disappointment. But if we hang on to the dream he has put in our heart about his plan and purpose for us we can endure all the tough times knowing that our loving Almighty Father is preparing us for something good.
Someone has said, “God is never late but rarely early.” That certainly was true in Joseph’s life. So no matter where you are or what you are enduring trust in the God who has a plan for your life and never give up on your dream.
Pastor Dan