What Do You Have in Your Hand?
Do you have anything to offer to God? Do you believe there is anything you can do to serve Him in His kingdom? If you tend to answer, “No,” you’re not alone. Many of us wonder how in the world God could ever use us.
Moses was such a man. He fled from Egypt because his cover as a murderer was blown! He went out into the desert and met Jethro the Midianite, married one of his daughters and started keeping his sheep on the back side of the desert. There he is, minding his own business when Almighty God appears to him in a burning bush that would not burn up!. He lets Moses know that He has decided to use Moses to lead His people out of Egyptian bondage...no small task! Like us, Moses had a hard time believing any of it and he began to make excuses. “Suppose Your people will not listen to me or believe me?” I mean, why should they? God’s response is very interesting. He says to Moses, “What is that in your hand?” Moses’ response, “A rod.” (Translation: a stick of wood!)
Now I think we’d all agree that a stick of wood isn’t exactly an earth shattering tool! Anyone of us could find a walking stick somewhere in the woods. But isn’t that what God is getting at? God showed Moses how He could do miraculous things with a stick of wood in the hands of a willing man. “Throw it down,” God says and when he does it becomes a snake! “Pick it up by the tail,” God says and when Moses does, it becomes a stick again. God went on to give Moses two more miraculous “signs” he would do to show the children of Israel that He had come from God.
So, what’s in your hand? The answer to that question is not all that important. You see, it’s not what you have in your hand that qualifies you to serve the Lord. It is your willingness to surrender whatever it is to Him. Like the lad with only a lunch of loaves and fishes to offer to the insurmountable task of feeding 5000 people. When he gave his little lunch to Jesus one of His disciples said, “But what is that among so many.” But Jesus took what the lad gave and blessed it and fed the multitudes.
If you will give what you have to the Lord He will bless it and use it. God’s miraculous power working through a yielded servant will do just fine! His work will be accomplished and His purposes will be done. Our part is to give what we have to Him.
You may think you have little to offer to God. You may think you have little when it comes to gifts and talents. But that doesn’t matter. Even if all you have is a stick of wood in your hands the God of heaven can use it. He can use you.
Pastor Dan