The Global Prayer Movement
There is a prayer movement that is global in nature that is unprecedented in history. One example of this movement is the Global Day of Prayer that began in Cape Town , South Africa in 2001 where 45,000 people gathered in one stadium to pray. Since then the movement has spread to include 218 countries and an estimated 200 million people! We will be joining with these millions of believers this Sunday at Cortland Trinity for the observance of this year’s Global Day of Prayer. What an exciting privilege!
Another aspect of the global prayer movement is the growing number of 24/7 prayer sites where continuous prayer is being offered to God 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. One can visit these sites at 2am and find a group of people praying. We would be blind not to see the magnitude of this!
Then there is the growing number of city-wide prayer groups. These prayer groups meet weekly, monthly and at other times specifically to pray for the spiritual transformation of their city. The Trumbull County Prayer Movement is one such city-wide prayer group that our church is part of. I can say without hesitation that the realization that we are part of a global prayer movement is the most exciting thing I have ever been involved in. It is obvious that God Himself has initiated it all. It seems that He is preparing the whole world for something big!
In his book Returning to Holiness, Dr. Gregory Frizzell says, “God is preparing to answer the growing prayer movement of millions of believers.” I wholeheartedly agree. I believe we can confidently expect something big from our big God! We can boldly say that God must answer the prayers of so many of His people.
So, what is God up to? What is He about to do? I believe the answer is found as we listen to what is being prayed. Interlaced throughout this growing prayer movement are the cries for repentance before God and for revival in the church. Some believe that God may be bringing a sweeping revival to the church that would usher many unsaved into the kingdom before the return of His Son. Whatever God is up to we know it will be good.
Have you heard the call of God to join this global prayer movement? I pray the Holy Spirit will awaken more and more of us to “the great possibility” that lies before us. When I think that we could be part of a generation that sees a mighty move of God in revival my heart is filled with inexpressible joy. Now is the time to get involved and be part of this great enterprise called the Kingdom of God . Now is the time to pray as Jesus taught us, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
With great expectation,
Pastor Dan