Pastor's Pen June 4, 2011
The Need for a Pig Pen Experience
“...he sent feed swine...but when he came to himself... he arose and came to his father…” Luke 15:15-20
The prodigal son was in trouble the minute he walked away from his father’s house but he didn’t realize it until he ended up in the pig pen. When he first left his father’s house with inheritance money in hand he thought he was headed for happiness. His decision to leave was not a quick one. Only after much thought did he carry out his well devised plan sure that it would bring him what he called the good life. But God’s wisdom called it “prodigal (wasteful) living.” After a time his money ran out and his fair weather friends left him and he ended up feeding swine just to make enough money to exist. It was there in the pig pen that, “he came to himself.” It was as if he snapped out of some kind of mental stupor that had clouded his judgment and he saw things clearly. “My father’s servants have plenty and here I am as his son and I’m dying of hunger!” Translation: My decision to leave was a wrong choice. It was time to reverse course. “I will arise and go to my father and I will say to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you. If you’ll take me back I’ll become one of your servants.’” He underestimated his father’s love who forgave him, welcomed him home and restored him to his position as a son. He even threw a party to celebrate his return!
Some of you reading this article right now are in trouble but you don’t realize it. You’ve left the Father’s house. In your mind that choice seemed to be the right one for you. You have forgotten the admonition of Hebrews 3:12, “Beware, brethren lest there is in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God.” It is a very dangerous thing to turn away from the leave the Father’s house. Unfortunately, you will not turn around till you have your own pig pen experience. If you are a true child of God and you have left the Father’s house I guarantee that you will have your pig pen experience. Perhaps some of you are in the pig pen right now. Others are headed there. But please understand that it will happen. The Father’s great love for you ensures it for it is His way of waking you up that you might snap out of your spiritual stupor. Your spiritual journey back to the Father’s house begins when you clearly see that your decision to leave was a wrong choice. And then the greatest decision of your adult life will happen when you say from the depths of your heart, “It’s time to reverse course. I’m going to get up out of this pig pen and I am going to return to my Father’s house.”
Like all other prodigals who have returned home you will find the Father’s arms wide open ready to receive you back. Even though you have the stench of the pig pen still on you He will embrace you, welcome you, clean you up, put a new robe on you and then throw a party to celebrate your return.
May your pig pen experience happen soon.
Pastor Dan