Pastor's Pen June 5, 2010
The "Now" and the "Not Yet" of the Kingdom
We as believers have the awesome privilege of serving God in His kingdom! When we come to church, live our lives and fulfill our ministries we are participating in the greatest enterprise in the world! To enjoy God's kingdom to the fullest and serve His kingdom to the maximum we need to understand what it truly means to be part of this glorious kingdom while living here on this earth.
The kingdom of God "has come" "But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you." Matthew 12:28
Jesus' statement reveals the awesome power of His kingdom and tells us that this kingdom has come to us. By His coming and His triumphant work on Calvary Jesus brought the power and authority of His kingdom to this earth. What an invasion of God's life and power! When Jesus talked about His followers doing "the works He did", (John 14:12-14) He was saying that we have access to the power and authority of His kingdom through His name and by His Spirit. There is power for healing, deliverance and life transformation. God wants us who are citizens of His kingdom to learn how to live, walk and function in the life and power of His kingdom. The kingdom of God is "not yet" "We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies." Romans 8:22-23 There are aspects of the kingdom we are still waiting for. We still live in a sin cursed world. God has redemptive purposes for allowing suffering and pain to continue. The apostles said, "We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God ." (Acts 14:22) On one hand we as Christ followers err when we think there is nothing more to wait for...when we fail to understand the "not yet" aspect of the kingdom. We can fall prey to presumption in regards to issues such as physical healing. On the other hand we err when we do not understand the "has come" aspect of the kingdom. We can fall prey to downplaying the power of God that is available to heal and miss out on the possibilities His power affords. God is sovereign in His choices and we don't know why He sometimes chooses to heal and sometimes He chooses not to. But what we do know is He has given us the privilege of asking and He wants us to ask in faith. As we struggle to understand these two aspects of God's kingdom may we be found trusting Him...for all the power of the kingdom that "has come" and for all the wisdom to understand the redemptive purposes of the kingdom that is "not yet." For His glory, Pastor Dan