If God Be For Us
“If God is for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:31
Life would be a lot easier if everyone would simply support us, love us and be for us. But the life we live on this earth means we will always face opposition. Sometimes the people around us are not for us; they are against us. How do we negotiate these realities? How do we deal with the opposition of man? There is only one way and that is to consider the most important question of all; “Is God for us?”
The declaration of the apostle in Romans 8:31 rings out, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” Human opposition means little if we have the support and favor of Almighty God. But where does the confidence of knowing that God is for us come from?
Paul’s statement in Romans 8:31 is made in the midst of his discussion concerning the work of Jesus Christ on our behalf. Previous verses reveal that the God who foreknew us and predetermined our end in Christ, who called us, who justified us and who will one day glorify us is the same God who declares that He is for us. Such divine favor is ours only in the work of God’s Son. Paul goes on to say, “Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies.” In other words, the person God has justified through the work of His Son, Jesus Christ stands before Him as righteous and without sin. No one else can accuse him! He goes even further to say, “Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God.” The legal basis for our sin being forgiven and our having a righteous standing before God is the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ on our behalf. God the righteous Judge will never justify anyone because of their self-effort or their attempts at righteousness. He declares sinners to be righteous before Him because of their faith in the finished work of His Son. The argument of the apostle says, “If God has paid for our sins through the death of His Son and has declared us to be righteous before Him as an act of grace and mercy who is left to condemn?” No one!
There is no greater question for you to answer than this, “Is God for me?” To leave this earthly life without the favor of God...to die and find that God is not on your side is the most frightening thought that could enter a human being’s mind. According to Jesus, Almighty God’s words to some will be, “I never knew you, depart from Me.” (Matthew 7:23) Before you leave this life be sure that God is for you.
The single greatest hindrance to entering into God’s grace and favor is the pride of self-righteousness. Pride believes that God’s favor can be earned. Such a mindset is an affront to the grace of God. It says that what God provided in grace and mercy in His Son is not enough. It says that ultimately it is my efforts at doing right that will save me. It says that Christ’s statement from the cross, “It is finished,” is a total lie. Self-righteousness in all its forms is the enemy of grace...and the only way to be saved from sin is by the grace of God. The truth of scripture is that we are saved by God’s work not our work!
God showed His love and grace to you by sending His Son Jesus Christ to suffer, bleed and die on the cross for your sins. The cross forever stands as the ultimate expression of how much God hates sin and how much He loves sinners. It is at the foot of that cross and only at the foot of that cross that sinners will ever find forgiveness for sin.
Is God for you? According to the cross of His Son, yes, He is. If you will come to the cross of Jesus in humility and trust in His work on your behalf and cease trusting in your own works you will find the sweet favor of God. And once you have tasted and seen that the Lord is gracious you will bask in the light and glory of this amazing truth; He is for you!
In His grace,
Pastor Dan