God Will Not Be Mocked
“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows,
that he will also reap.” Galatians 6:7
We should take everything God says to heart for He means what He says. It is amazing to me how quickly we can begin to think that we’ve gotten away with something. Or that somehow we will avoid the consequences of our actions. Why is that?
In Galatians 6:7-8 God gives us a universal spiritual law when He says, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.” God says that our life choices and our actions are like seeds. When we choose to do evil we sow seeds that will surely produce a harvest that God describes as “corruption.” Because the harvest does not come immediately we may think that we’ve gotten away with it...or that what I’ve done is okay with God. But God will not be mocked. Whatever you sow you will reap.
Sometimes we begin to see the harvest of corruption within a few months. Sometimes the harvest comes years later but it always comes. Whatever you have sown you will reap.
Someone has said, “Sin is never a private affair.” It will always affect someone else. This is especially true in our family. Think about how seeds of anger, seeds of lust and immorality, seeds of compromising with evil are sown in families. These seeds produce a harvest of corruption that may show up in our children and our children’s children. God said He would “visit the sins of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me” (Exodus 20:5). The word hate here is a word of preference and it means that when we choose evil in the face of all that God has said we are putting Him in an inferior position in our lives. By choosing sin over Him we hate Him and the seeds of corruption sprout in the lives of our children for generations to come. Whatever you sow you will reap.
The good news is we can choose to repent of our sin and sow good seeds. God speaks of this hope when He says He will “show mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.” The harvest of sowing good seeds is everlasting life. When we sow to the Holy Spirit we reap eternal benefits and pass on a godly heritage to our children.
What seeds are you sowing? Will you stop hating God and start loving Him? Will you repent of sowing to your fleshly desires and begin sowing to the Spirit of God? Now is the time to change. One of the greatest antidotes to evil seed sowing as a parent is to repent before your children. When they hear brokenness in the confession of your sinful choices and see you following and loving the Lord, God’s mercy will break the chain of corruption and save an entire generation.
May the word of the Lord stated in the universal spiritual law of sowing and reaping bring us back to reality and deliver us from being deceived. May His mercy be shown to untold thousands who love Him and obey His commandments.
Pastor Dan