Terrorism, Israel and the Fate of America
“Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD.” Psalm 33:12
Why do they hate us so much? Islamic extremists bent on Jihad have a goal of bringing our country down, to destroy us if they can. What is the basis of their intense hatred and disdain for our country.
Some offer that they are jealous of our prosperity and our way of life. While this may be true it does not explain the depth of their hatred. To understand their passionate resolve to destroy us we must look at their family feud with the Jews.
Both Muslims and Jews claim Abraham as their father and indeed he is the father of both nations. When Abraham grew weary of waiting on God for a child with Sarah his wife he listened to her counsel and had a child with his Egyptian handmaid Hagar and named him Ishmael. About 15 years or so later God visited Sarah and at the age of 90 she conceived and Isaac, the son of promise was born. There was bad blood between Sarah and Hagar mainly because Hagar’s son Ishmael “scoffed” and ridiculed Sarah’s son Isaac. It led to Hagar and Ishmael being sent away and from Ishmael came all the Arabic people and from Isaac were born the people who became known as Jews. The bad blood and fighting between these half-brothers continues today. Radical Islam is committed to the utter destruction of Israel.
Enter the United States of America. After World-War II ended the United Nations agreed to provide a land for the Jews and in 1948 Israel became a nation again for the first time in nearly 2500 years. From the inception of the nation of Israel the United States has been their friend and ally. Our support of the nation of Israel puts us in the cross hairs of the guns of Islam. Any friend of the Jews becomes the enemy of Islam.
When God made His covenant with Abraham He said, “I will bless them who bless you and I will curse them who curse you.” (Genesis 12:1-5) One reason our nation has been blessed by God is because of our support for Israel. We do so many things that go against God and His word but our support for Israel remains a bright spot for our nation. Some believe it to be a primary reason we as a nation have not been judged more severely by God. However, that support is waning. Without going into all the details, a U.N. Resolution that would require Israel to give back land to the Palestinians presents an ominous forecast that the United States will choose not to support Israel. If this happens many Christians leaders believe it will cause us to lose more footing in our place of blessing before God. The fate of America is to a large degree wrapped up in whether or not we support the nation of Israel when they rightfully deserve our support.
I pray we will not lose our resolve to support Israel. I pray too that our country will reflect on the horrors of 9-11 and realize it as a wakeup call from God. I pray that our nation will stop believing that our greatest need is an improved economy as we clamor for “someone” who will fix it and get money back in our pockets. Could it be that the crumbling of the World Trade Center was a statement from God about our faith in money instead of faith in Him? America’s greatest need is not for a better economy and more jobs. Our greatest need is for God and His blessings for if we have His blessings He will then give us a better economy and more jobs. I pray most of all that the church will lead the way in this for if we don’t get it right, our nation won’t get it right. Revive us oh, Lord!
Pastor Dan