A Warrior Mentality
“No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier.” 2 Timothy 2:4
If you are going into battle you want to be sure you have people with you who are ready to go to war...people who have a warrior mentality. You’re going to count on them to “have your back.” If they fail to be good soldiers in the midst of battle you will be left vulnerable to the enemy.
God has spoken to our church telling us that He is raising up warriors who will take back ground the enemy has stolen; that He is calling us to the front lines of the battle. Who among us is ready for this? Who will step forward and submit to His discipline and training? Who will take up the cause and enter the fray?
One enemy of believers becoming warriors is “status quo.” Status quo is being happy with the way things...the fear of change and the love of comfort. Paul told Timothy that “No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life.” To be entangled with the affairs of this life means to be all wrapped up in creature comforts and blind to the spiritual realities that call us forth to battle. Those entangled in this life are useless in war time and the Bible is clear, we are in a battle!
To be a warrior for God and His kingdom we must see the reality of spiritual warfare. We have been enlisted as soldiers in this battle by our Commander and Chief, the Lord Jesus Christ. Our goal is to fight the good fight of faith and please the Lord Jesus! Spiritual warriors are keenly aware of spiritual realities. They understand that we are wrestling with demonic forces in the spirit realm (Ephesians 6:12). They understand what is at stake—the souls of men. And they know where their power comes from enabling them to engage the enemy and carry out the victory of Christ.
There is an ebb and flow to this spiritual battle. As we survey church history we see there are times when the church is a powerful force full of good soldiers of Jesus Christ advancing with His power and authority and hell is powerless against it. We also see there are times when the church is impotent and full of “soft and sleepy believers” who are weak or even absent from the battle allowing the enemy to take more and more ground for his kingdom. This describes the church in America.
But there is hope! I firmly believe that we are living in a time when the sleeping church is being awakened and God is preparing us to storm the gates of hell and take back ground the enemy has stolen! I believe we are part of a generation that will see God turn things around and make the church what He means it to be—a mighty weapon in His hands!
Have you sensed the stirring of the Spirit in your life? Do you see the activity of God increasing? Do you hear His commanding and comforting voice calling you to the battle? Will you be a warrior for Jesus Christ?
Pastor Dan