" For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life."
We can sow to the flesh. This means we make life decisions based on human wisdom and not according to God’s word. We choose to do things our way instead of God’s way. At the moment we make these decisions they seem right. We tell ourselves that it will be alright, that our decision will bring us good. But God’s universal principle states that when we sow to the flesh we will reap corruption.
We can sow to the Spirit. This means we make life decisions based on God’s wisdom that will be in agreement with His word. We choose to do things His way instead of our way. At the moment we make these decisions they may seem hard. The enemy tells us it will be horrible, that our decision will hurt us. But God’s universal principle states that when we sow to the Spirit we will reap eternal benefits.
The seeds we sow don’t all grow at the same rate. The corruption from our bad seeds may not shoot up through the soil right away but eventually it will. God’s universal truth of sowing and reaping always happens. Between the time of sowing and reaping we may feel good about what we’ve done. We can even be convinced it was the right thing but we lack peace and eventually the corruption will come. God will forgive us when we repent but we still must reap what we’ve sown.
Conversely the benefits from our good seeds may not shoot up right away either. We may go through a time of testing where it seems that our decision made our lives harder and not easier. It is then the Holy Spirit is present to assure us we’ve done the right thing. He does this by giving us peace. Eventually we will see the blessings and benefits of our good seed sowing.
What kind of seeds are you sowing? Do not be deceived. God will not be mocked. Whatever you sow you will reap. If you are reaping corruption from previous bad decisions turn to the Lord in repentance. Stop the pattern of poor choices. Start sowing good seeds. Your life may not get any easier but you will have the joy and peace of the Holy Spirit and that is priceless. Eventually you will begin to realize God’s eternal benefits. If you are in a pattern of sowing good seeds but have yet to see the benefits—be patient. Don’t turn aside and start doing things your way. God is with you and He will bless your obedience. Here is a verse of scripture that puts all this in perspective.
“For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. “ Romans 14:17
Follow the order of this wonderful verse. God’s kingdom is first righteousness—sowing good seed and doing the right thing. Following after is peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Here is wisdom. Follow it.
Pastor Dan