Simplify Your Life
Would you be willing to simplify your life in order to connect with the Lord on a deeper level? I ask this with the understanding that God never intended for us to get so busy doing things for Him that we end up neglecting Him. This doesn’t mean the things we do for Him are bad. It does mean they can become distractions that make intimacy with Him impossible.
When Martha was aghast that her sister Mary was sitting at the feet of Jesus rather than helping her serve she asked Jesus to kindly rebuke her! But Jesus called Mary’s choice the, “one thing that is needed.” Some translations read that, “only one thing is needed.” Jesus was teaching about priorities. He commended Mary for doing what was most needed – sitting at His feet.
The biggest enemy of the best is not the worst but the good.
It can be extremely difficult for us to stop our busyness. It can be even harder to stop our racing thoughts telling us what we need to do next. Yet it is in quieting our minds and ceasing from our busyness that we are able to find intimacy with Jesus.
Christian author John Ortberg tells of the time he asked Dallas Willard for spiritual advice. Willard’s response was, “You must ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life.” When John asked for further advice Willard said, “You must ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life.”
In order to connect with Jesus on a deeper level we must find ways to simplify our lives. This is why we as a church are entering into a time we’re calling, “Simplify to glorify.” We’re going to do the unthinkable...and shut down our ministries and extra curricular activities for one month and sit at Jesus’ feet. By shutting down everything it will free everyone to worship, pray, listen for God’s instructions without the distractions of ministry. We’ve never done anything like this before but we think Jesus is worthy of our undivided attention.
I wonder how Jesus will respond to us. I can’t wait to find out!
Pastor Dan