Pastor's Pen December 24, 2016
Down From His Glory! “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us…” John 1:14
It has been rightly said that we are saved by Christ’s humility. He who was in very nature God humbled Himself and took on the nature of man. He left the glories of heaven to become one of us and live as we live. I cannot wrap my brain around this wonderful truth but I rejoice in it nonetheless. Consider what it means that Christ came down from His glory. He came down and lived in a human body, He died in that body, He rose from the dead in that body and in that body He ascended back to the glories of heaven and one day He will return to this earth in that same body. If I understand Scripture correctly He will remain in that body for all eternity! His desire to identify with us goes that far. Christ became like us that we might become like Him! And we will share an intimate love relationship with Him throughout eternity. The song writer said is so well. Jesus my Lord will love me forever. From Him no power of evil can sever. He gave His life to ransom my soul. Now I belong to Him. Now I belong to Jesus, Jesus belongs to me. Not for the years of time alone, but for eternity! Thank you Jesus for coming down from Your glory! But what about now? What does all this mean in our everyday life? Jesus calls us to have the same humble mindset and be willing to leave all that we call our own in self-denial and take up our cross and follow Him—to learn to live for the benefit of others just as He did. I think in some way Jesus wants us to be willing to identify with those who have not yet come to know Him the way He was willing to identify with us. One of the best ways to do this is to remember that there was a time when we did not understand the gospel; we did not know Christ. In love He sought us out and showed us His grace. He brought believers into our lives to share the gospel with us. Now, He wants us to have a willingness to go and share the gospel with them that they too might come to know Him whom to know is life eternal! May the fact that Jesus came down from His glory never become routine facts to us; may we never lose the awe and wonder of it all. May Christmas always be about the great humility shown by our Savior who came down from His glory to save us. And may we make it our life’s purpose to humble ourselves and show His love to a world that so desperately needs it!
Merry Christmas everyone! Pastor Dan
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